Sail Training Association - Stavros S Niarchos

The Sail Training Association exists to give young people today a taste of the adventure & hard work of times past... but more it's preparing them for the future.

Sailing a tall ship gives a chance to gain confidence by meeting a wide range of new people, learning to get on with them & then work closely with them as part of a team.

The Association was set up in the 1950s, & built the topsail schooners Sir Winston Churchill & Malcolm Miller. Their replacements, the Stavros S Niarchos & Prince William are the biggest brigs built in Britain for over 100 years. The local STA committees exist to help suitable trainees with the cost of a passage. Throughout the International STA, the STA also organises the Cutty Sark tall ship race. To find out more contact :-

The Sail Training Association
2a, The Hard, Portsmouth, PO1 3PT
Registered Charity No. 314229
Tel: 023 9283 2055

Cardiff & Area STA Committee
Contact Francis Hayes 01446 772293

The STS Stavros S Niarchos is 59.4 metres long & 9.9 metres wide, & as a brig, has two masts with five square sails on each mast plus jibs, staysails & a spanker. She can motor as 10 knots & sail at over 13 knots, & has the latest navigational & communications equipment.

There are 5 permanent crew, 11 experienced afterguard, 2 supernumeraries - of whom one is medically qualified - & 48 trainees who do everything from raising sail to peeling potatoes.

For some younger trainees, a voyage on the Stavros or the Prince William is part of their Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award, but for all trainees, who can be aged up to 69 on some voyages, it's the adventure of a lifetime.

The Tall Ships Program in Barry & Cardiff

Thursday 12th
12 Noon
Stavros arrives at Enterprise Quay
Friday 13th
12 Noon-5pm
Visitors open day. Stavros open for public guided tours at Enterprise Quay.
Saturday 14th
Stavros sails for the day for exercises in the Bristol Channel. Alight at Barry Island Station for excellent viewing & photography from the headlands.
Sunday 15th
Stavros sails from Enterprise Quay in Barry to arrive at Britannia Quay, Cardiff
Monday 16th Stavros embarks HSBC trainees for training.
Tuesday 17th
Stavros sails from Cardiff.

(All times subject to wind & tide)

The Stavros is open to the public only on the Open Day, but if you come to see her while she is in Barry, STA members will be available to answer any questions you may have.

Although all the Day Sailing places for this visit to Barry have been filled, Day Sails are available from other ports, & there will be leaflets available at the STA publicity stand.

"The STA is designed to benefit young people, to give them a taste of fright, discomfort, & adventure in an age when it is possible to live confortably, securely, & boringly... This unique challenge is an excellent preparation for life."
Sail Training Association patrol HRH The price Philip, Duke of Edinburgh KG.